Teakcroft Ltd

Box Style: 0200

Half slotted container (HSC), outer flaps to meet one end only.
sample1-box sample1

Box Style: 0201

Regular slotted conainer (RSC), outer flaps to meet both hands
sample2-box sample2

Box Style: 0202

Slotted container outer flaps to partly overlap (POF)

Box Style: 0203

Slotted container, outer flaps to overlap fully (FOF)

Box Style: 0205

Box Style: 0215

Box Style: 0300

Box Style: 0401

Box Style: 0402

Box Style: 0403

Box Style: 0330

Box Style: 0409

Box Style: 0411

Box Style: 0421

Box Style: 0422

Box Style: 0426

Box Style: 0427

Box Style: 0914

Box Style: 0933

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